I have heard that who you spend New Year's Eve with, you will spend the rest of the New Year with. The only year that seemed to work out was the year my small group Bible Study spent the night eating and chatting at Christine's house. I certainly hope that it holds true with 2010, because I spent it with an awesome bunch of people. I can't think of a better group to spend 2010 with.
The photo above was taken at the All Single's New Year's Eve bash put on by the Mid 40's - 60's group. They invited the group I belong to (the 30s - mid 40's) and 20 of us braved the ice and snow that was still on the roads to party. What a great party it was. There were over 100 people there. I'll be honest, I was pleasantly surprised at what a good time we had...You don't need alcohol to have a good time, we certainly had it. The midnight toast was done with sparkling cider and when I left, it was us "young 'uns" who were dancing the last dance.
2010 is also another year of changes. Last year I braved the new hair color world and went red, with a streak of blond framing my face. This summer, I went all the way red. For the new year, I went darker red and longer hair. I'm digging hair extensions. So, here is the straight look.

And here is the curly, beauty contestant look:

I'll be honest. I freaked out a little at how dark it was. I also wasn't so sure about the length. I don't like the straight look as much as the wavy/curled look. I have never had hair this long so it was and is still an adjustment...like when I sit back in my chair, my back rests against my hair, when I bend my head forward to look at something on the computer, it felt like I was yanking my hair out. So I suppose this year, I will be learning the art of the hair flip over one shoulder or something.
Also getting a new look, Ranger. My little lion!

He had mats so bad on his back and by his rear end, I had to get him shaved. He was smelly. I love how he feels, he's like velvet right now and I so enjoy petting and snuggling with him, I'm sure he enjoys this too. Annabelle, my foster kitten, loves to play with his pom-pom tail (oh the humiliation!).
The goals for 2010 are pretty much the same as they were for 2009. I achieved none of the things I had set out to accomplish...like losing 25 pounds... over the year. I know that was a big goal, but realistic as it really is only half a pound a week. I suppose I should be happy that I didn't gain anything. I start 2010 at the same place I started 2009. I have survived one week of P90X (I know the feeling that my body has been hit with a baseball bat will subside by the end of the week.). I have signed up for Zumba with two of my friends so I hope to also get to know them better.
Relationships, growing them, is another goal of mine for 2010. While it would be nice to meet "the love of my life" and be talking about a wedding at the end of the year...I'm not holding my breath. In regards to relationships, I am talking about growing and deepening ones I already have as well as starting new ones. The relationship I hope to deepen and grow the most is my relationship with Christ. My prayer that I will pray this year is that my will become more in line with His will, that I can let go of myself. I hope to get to know the women in my small group better. In addition to that, I hope to get to know my co-workers better, we have new people that have come onboard and since I spend most of my time with them, I should get to know them.
For personal growth...in addition to getting into shape and eating healthier, I hope to continue taking dance classes, a photography class and maybe even stand-up comedy or improv. I think learning to see the humor in things or to be funnier can boost a more positive attitude about life. I think I also read somewhere that laughter can help you live longer.
Financially - - pay the darn credit card off. I think I will have this done in March. That is the plan anyway. I'll let you all know in March if it happens.
Travel plans - - I am going to Bali this year. I am REALLY looking forward to this adventure. I also plan on going to Texas to visit some friends I have there...and maybe some of my blog friends I have made too....anyone up for San Antionio? I'm still finalizing that plan...I'm thinking of taking a train down instead of flying...if a train goes where I want to go. I realized when doing my holiday letter (which I still have to send out to people, sorry) that I really didn't go on any day trips this summer like I had planned. I hope to turn that around. I'd love to visit some of the civil war sites down by Virginia Beach, head out to Bedford, VA and the World War II memorial, hike Old Rag (I have never done this anyone want to go with me?), and spend some time exploring and hiking in the Virginia hills this summer and fall. To tie this in with building relationships...I will be better about asking others if they want to go with me.
Final goal - - get rid of the clutter.
That is it in a nut-shell...or a blog anyway.
Here is to 2010 and all of its possibilities!
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