They had such a good time visiting us last year that Team Semper Fi made a return pre-marathon visit on Saturday.
Below is the group that I gave a tour to.

It was funny when they told the team to pick their tour guide. One of the Marine's in my group made a bee line right for me saying "I'm picking you because I think you'll be fast."
"What do you mean by that? Do you think I'm a light weight or something?"
"No, we just want to see everything and I think you can get us through the museum quickly."
"O.k., if you want fast, I can give you guys fast."
Well, I usually get people through in about 1.5 hours and that is through all of the galleries. I was right on target. I hope my group enjoyed my visit. I joked with the Marine who picked me because I looked 'fast' that he was obviously a good Recon Marine because he was able to size us all up and pick the guide who would allow him to accomplish his objectives -- get in, see it all and get out.
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