This first picture was taken at sunset on Saturday night. The snow had finally stopped, after 24 hours and seeing the sun was such a relief! Despite the fact that we didn't have power and that the snow was covering the brokenness of the trees, it looks beautiful. Peaceful. Like an Alpine villiage.
While I know my facebook followers have already seen the chronology of the storm, for those who follow me here on blog spot...and for my own memory, here are some photos showing the progress of the storm.

The above shot is my front yard around 10 p.m. I think I went out to shovel at this point but opted to not shovel the deck off for the third time (big mistake as you will see later).
Around 11:30, 12 midnight, we lost power. Luckily, I have a wood burning fire place and a lot of fire wood. The cats and I snuggled up on the couch in the family room in front of the fire. Besides sweats, I was wearing my hooded robe with the hood up and had two thick, woven blankets thrown on top of me. With three cats that then snuggled over my feet, behind my knees and ontop of my chest, I was quite warm. Actually was sweating. I shed the robe around 2 a.m. when I woke up to stoke the fire and add another log.
Around 3:30 a.m., something woke me with a start. I went upstairs to look out the windows, they were finally plowing down our street, so maybe it had been the noice of the plows. There was an eerie red glow in the sky. Despite there not being any power, it was quite light out. I noticed all the broken trees behind my house and was thankful that none had hit my house. I had been worried about a couple. God is good!
The tree in my back yard was bent almost to the ground.

Poor thing, for some reason this reminds me of something from a Dr. Seus book. Not wanting it to break, I came out with a broom and beat the snow off of it. Despite its freedom, it struggled to spring back into shape.

I'm not sure why I took this next picture at three a.m. However, it becomes a good reference for later. Just remember that garden cart.

In the morning, the destruction was more evident.

With more snow falling, more trees were threatening the houses.

I decided to tackle my deck. I really didn't want it to collapse under three feet of snow. I had shoveled it off twice the night before. However, I had a food and a half of snow in the morning, and it was still snowing.
I am about half way through getting it cleared off. I'll be honest. It was discouraging because we were getting about 2 inches of snow an hour...so when I got back in, from shoveling the front, the deck already had another 2-3 inches of snow on it.

Where was all the snow going?
I was pusing it off the side of my deck.
Remember that garden cart? I don't think I'll be seeing it till sometime in June.

Sunday morning was glorious! While I had dug out around my car...you can see how far I got with my car. I was tired of shoveling Saturday night.

This is me before I headed out to check out the neighborhood. Don't worry, I wore much more. It was only about 15 degrees at this point.

One of the things I've really enjoyed about the snow is talking with my neighbors as we are all out shoveling. In our busy lives, we really don't do much with each other or say much more than "Hi" as we pass each other coming and going.
Losing power...I didn't realize how much I miss electricity and the internet...or watching DVDs. I would have been fine with no cable, because I could have watched movies ...but no power...I sat there and looked at the cats for awhile, expecting them to entertain me. They however, were content curling up next to me or on my lap. Eventually, I did fall asleep. When the power finally came back on Saturday night, I found I was a bit disappointed.
I did learn what I need to get to update my "Shelter-in-place" kit. It totally sucks when your batteries for the flashlight are dead. While I have candles...they are all scented. I need some plain, white, un-scented candles. In addition, I need batteries for my radio. I can't believe I didn't have those.
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