As you can see from this picture, we are all very serious Christians. The girl sitting next to this guy is probably thinking, "Dear God turn them into pillars of salt now!"

This is me with minimal make-up and my librarian glasses poseing for a shot with our Single's ministry team leader. She is a phenom! She spends about 40 hours a week doing all the administrative stuff for our singles ministry and its all volunteer based.

The next three shots are of the praise band during the worship portion of the session. I'll be honest with you. They really have the volume up too high. I know I had some hearing damage done. That morning at breakfast, one of the girls sitting at the table was asked what her favorite part of the retreat was so far and she replied with a big smile, "Katie". No, what was has been your favorite part of the retreat? "My name is Katie" she shouted back. Since I was sitting next to her at the table, I repeated the question to her and laughed, "you were obviously sitting too close to the speakers last night weren't you?"

My favorite part of the retreat was "cabin" time. After the first session and before lunch, they had time scheduled for the cabins to get together to talk about the weekend and just interact with each other. I thought this was great! The first retreat I had ever come to, I didn't know anyone and had hoped to meet some people - - only thing was everyone in my cabin seemed to know each other already so no one invited me along with their group. This was really nice because we could all get to know each other. I got to know and chat with a couple women I've not really had the time to chat with before. We picked the pool deck for our cabin time.

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