This is yours truly just 9 days ago with one of my fellow volunteers at the National Museum of the Marine Corps' Birthday Ball and Volunteer appreciation ceremony.
I don't think I look like I'm 40.
O.k, technically I wasn't 40 when this picture was taken...but still, I don't think I look like I'm 40. Have no idea what I expected myself to look like at 40. I wish I were a little bit thinner - - but hey, I've always wished that even when I was in the best shape of my life. One of my goals this year is to get back into the best shape I can be. 40 just seemed like such an old age. Almost an end to things, until I started getting closer to that number.
So any way, here I am. No bells or whistles. It is what it is, just another day. Hopefully tomorrow will be another day and I'll have about 80 more years of another day because there is a lot of stuff I still want to do.
Um, like work on my 40 on 40 journal entries. I think I have 38 more to go.
you make a GREAT 40! i've now determined (as my parents are approaching 70) that you're not old until 80.......
You are only as old as you feel. Just remember that. I am 38 1/2 and I never feel it (except when Alissa is telling me that my music is yucky or something like that.)
I believe you are young at heart, and that's what matters most!
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