Hong Kong. 12 hours ahead of the Washington DC. Longest flight ever!
We stopped for an hour in Vancouver, Canada. However, they didn't let us disembark. I had hoped we would have been able to get off the airplane and walk around a bit. Didn't happen. UGH!
I learned later that the plane was so packed because it was a holiday weekend in Hong Kong. I had a crummy seat, in the middle in the middle section. On the flight from HK, I sat between two a husband and wife. Their seats were on opposite sides of me. I don't think they were real happy about that. The woman did the helpless "Oh, I can't get my carryon in the overhead." There was no way for the man to get over to her side as the other rows had filled up and people where streaming down the aisles. Despite this, she continued to look at him helplessly saying, "I can not get it up there."
I offered to help her and she suddenly was able to get her bag up in the overhead.
So on the long flight to HK, I watched episode 1-3 of season six of Project Runway. Then I watched the movie, Couples Retreat (horrible movie). Then I watched, The Blind Side -- very good! I also did some sleeping.
We arrivedin HK at 7:02 a.m. HK time. This was 7:02 p.m. on the 20th back in DC. I have been traveling for 32 hours now.
The HK airport is very clean. It is surrounded by mountains on the norht and water on the south. When we got off the plane, the very noticible thing was the humidity.
Watching the sun try to break through is very pretty. The sun seams to spotlight different things like islands on the sea side, or a boat, or spots on the mountain side.

There were some bumpy parts of my flight to HK, I was getting sick. Only a couple more hours and I'll be in Bali!
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