It was another busy weekend!
Saturday the kittens and I attended an adoption event. None of my babies were adopted. I would have to say they were very mellow. Probably has something to do with the 1 - 4 p.m. time frame, which coincides with their nap time. They were happy to be held by people and petted, they got a lot of attention because they are so darn cute sleeping - - oh if people could only see them as I see them, these kittens would be snapped up and adopted.
It was a HOT Saturday - - it hit 90 degrees. That is actually the norm for Virginia summers. This has not been a typical summer, which has been great! Its been in the 80s and cooling down to the 60s at night so I've been able to open the windows and turn the air conditioning off. Its been wonderful. Yesterday, was, as I said, HOT. 90 and humid. What a combination.
My friend Diana had a birthday celebration at Wolf Trap - - The Music of John Williams. He wrote the score to Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harry Potter... his music could be the sound track to my life. It was funny how when the music played all sorts of memories flooded back. Standing in a line that wrapped around the block of the movie theater in my home town to watch Star Wars. I think we went with my cousin Ted when he was visiting our grandparents. I remember watching, and falling asleep during, Close Encounters of The Third kind at the Drive-In Theater. I remembered going to see ET in Toledo, Ohio and someone who shall remain nameless because this person would kill me if I revealed any names, shoved a piece of popcorn up their nose so high my parents thought they would have to take this un-named person to the hospital. When asked why they shoved the popcorn up their nose they gave an answer I hear from my software users on a daily basis when I ask they why they chose to do what they did,
"I don't know."
Ah, memories....
It was great.
I was so focused on the music, one of my friends kept playing with my hair and I of course thought it was a bug and kept brushing it away - - good thing I am not afraid of bugs, otherwise I would have probably screamed. (Yah, how would you have liked that to have happened K?) Yes, even when we are in our 30s, we revert back to behavior of pre-teens. Ah, to be like Peter Pan and never grow-up!
Keeping with the theme, there were actors among the crowd. Ominous looking actors, quite fitting with the ominous weather.
He does have his weapon pointed down, so no one felt threatened.
Notice how wet everyone is.
Can I just say we had a rain storm of almost Biblical strength. As I was driving to Wolf Trap, the sky behind me was black. When I hit the toll road, HUGE drops of rain began to pelt my car.
Now, I did mention that it was HOT that day. It was 90 when I left my house. Within 10 minutes of the storm beginning, the temperature had dropped to 73! When I got to Wolf Trap, I sat in my car, in the parking lot, thinking I'd wait for it to blow over. It was only suppose to last for 15 minutes, or so that is what they said on WTOP.
Fifteen minutes went by and it was still raining Noah's flood type rain. I decided, I was going to be getting wet anyway - - so I might as well just go for it and get wet. So off I trekked to join my friends on the Lawn at Wolf Trap.
Above three of my friends arrive during a break in the storm. You can see there are A LOT of people sitting on the lawn despite the rain.
Below, our birthday girl an un-identified storm trooper, me and one of D's other friends (I don't know her name - - well, can't remember it).
Below is the whole Bible Study group. This is a GREAT bunch of women and I am so blessed to know them all. I can tell you I have grown so much in my walk because of these women. Iron truly sharpens Iron. This was before the next down pour.
By the way, all you good Christian men, why you aren't snapping any of these beautiful women up, is beyond my understanding.
The concert begins and as if on cue, so does the rain. Here we all are trying to keep as dry as possible. It was impossible. We were all pretty wet. However, since it had been so hot, it really felt pretty good, refreshing.
As if on cue, when the music stopped for intermission, the rain stopped. So out came the birthday cake. My friend D's boyfriend made the cake for her.
I gotta find a guy like that.
Here is the whole gang singing Happy Birthday - - a few people sitting around us got into the singing too. There was much applause when we finished. As you can see, only one of the candles is lit. I think, because of all the rain, she wasn't able to get all of them lit, and we were running out of time, intermission is only 15 minutes or something.
Holy Cow! Look at how big those pieces are! This cake was single handedly responsible for me not losing any weight this week.
And, as if on cue again, as soon as the music started, so did the rain.
It was a challenge to eat and stay dry at the same time. Yes, the rain brought all new meaning to "Moist Cake".
You aren't suppose to take pictures of the performances. I snuck this one in. It is the encore song, the song from Jabba's place - - you know the bar on Tatooine.

It was a fun concert, with a light saber duel and a parade of many of the characters. If you are ever in the DC area in the summer, I recommend taking in a performance at Wolf Trap. Everything I've ever attended, even if I really wasn't that into the music -- like Ziggy Marley - - I've had a great time.