Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What Issues Are Important To You This Election?

I was over at the Project for Excellence in Journalism website today and saw a shocking statistic. Did you realize that last week, during campaign convention coverage, only 2% of the coverage touched on the issues?

2%! (that wasn't cussing there - - that was true surprise)

Being the news/political junky that I am, I'm researching the issues of both political candidates. I thought it would be fun to find out what is important to all of you. My plan is to take the top 5 issues based upon the poll results, research those items from now until the election and post what I find here.

This poll will close on Sunday 9/14.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rangergirl: I always enjoyed your comments on "Kaboom" so thought you would like to know that Capt. G's blog has been nominated for Army "Milblog of the Year." You can cast your vote at: Regarding issues: the wars and our international standing, the economy and the nation's deficit, the environment, health care, and I worry a lot about appointments to the Supreme Court.